Pillars of the Green Transition — A Newsweek Report for COP 28

Newsweek Pillars of the Green Transition COP28

A special Newsweek report “Pillars of the Green Transition” is set to release ahead of The United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 28 UAE. BiOWiSH President, Rod Vautier, and Chief Innovation Officer, Bill Diederich, were interviewed by Investment Reports to address how BiOWiSH Technologies is contributing to the Green Transition. COP 28 brings the world … Read more

Newsweek: A Nova Era da Alimentação e Agricultura

Image of grain harvest with text Newsweek The New Era of Food and Agriculture

Este relatório fornece uma visão sem precedentes sobre o futuro da nossa alimentação, reunindo uma constelação de vozes importantes da indústria alimentícia e agrícola, incluindo o Diretor Executivo da BiOWiSH Technologies, Graham Beesley, e o Presidente, Rod Vautier. Cerca de 100 diretores executivos internacionais, líderes de associações e líderes políticos apresentam em conjunto a sua … Read more

Newsweek: The New Era of Food and Agriculture

Image of grain harvest with text Newsweek The New Era of Food and Agriculture

This report provides an unprecedented insight into the future of our food, bringing together a constellation of leading voices from the food and agri industry, including BiOWiSH Technologies CEO, Graham Beesley, and President, Rod Vautier. Nearly 100 international CEOs, association, and policy leaders paint together their thrilling vision of feeding 10 billion people in 2050, … Read more

BiOWiSH Technologies Destacada no Podcast Farm4Profit

O Podcast Farm4Profit recentemente destacou a BiOWiSH Technologies em um segmento intitulado “O que está funcionando na agricultura” para discutir o exclusivo BiOWiSH® Enhanced Fertilizer.  A entrevista com o Vice-Presidente Executivo Sênior de Agronegócios, Bill Diederich, e o Gerente de Produto de Agronomia, Alex Susko, foi ao ar no Farm4Profit em 3 de abril de … Read more

Newsweek Sneak Peek: Investment Reports “A New Era of Food and Agriculture”

sustainability in food and agriculture

Investment Reports “A New Era of Food and Agriculture,” published by Newsweek, will feature our CEO, Graham Beesley, and President, Rod Vautier. Graham and Rod speak to the BiOWiSH breakthrough development of the WORLD’S FIRST microbial-based Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizer with extended stability, now being adopted by leading fertilizer companies around the world. They provide insights … Read more

BiOWiSH Technologies Featured on Farm4Profit Podcast

Farm4Profit Podcast recently featured BiOWiSH Technologies in a “What’s Working in Ag” segment to discuss the unique BiOWiSH® Enhanced Fertilizer and partnership with ADM. The interview with Senior Executive Vice President of Agri-Business, Bill Diederich, and Agronomy Product Manager, Alex Susko, aired on Farm4Profit April 3, 2023 on the episode titled “Taking the Pulse of the … Read more