Ferramentas de Sensoriamento Remoto na — Monitoramento de Ensaios BiOWiSH® usando NDVI

soybean field soybean trial using NDVI tools soybean rows prior to canopy

As ferramentas de sensoriamento remoto e a sua utilização são comuns na produção agrícola atual, como uma forma de monitorar o estado de uma cultura em crescimento, prevenir quaisquer potenciais problemas, ou identificar áreas de um campo que precisam de ser examinadas pessoalmente. Por estas razões, os ensaios de demonstração do BiOWiSH na produção agrícola … Read more

How BiOWiSH® Enhanced Fertilizer Provides Successful, Consistent Results for an Array of Global Agricultural Operations: A Three-Part Series

image of corn field with three small graphics: crops, globe and hands holding growing plant. Consistent Results for an Array of Global Agricultural Operations: A Three-Part Series.

Agricultural practices vary significantly around the world depending on many critical factors including climate, terrain, tradition, and accessible technology. While the United States, Brazil, Europe and Australia have many large-scale farms that rely on heavy machinery, many parts of Asia and Africa contain small-plot farms that require more labor-intensive, manual cultivation. Regardless of farming practices … Read more

Remote Sensing Tools in Agriculture — BiOWiSH® Trial Monitoring Using NDVI

soybean field soybean trial using NDVI tools soybean rows prior to canopy

Remote sensing tools and usage are commonplace in agricultural production today, as a way to monitor the status of a growing crop, head-off any potential issues, or identify areas of a field which need to be scouted in-person. For these reasons, the BiOWiSH on-farm demonstration trials are set up to use NDVI monitoring from satellites. … Read more

A BiOWiSH Technologies e a MAP do Grupo Syngenta lançam o Fertilizante de Eficiência Melhorada BiOWiSH® na China

CINCINNATI, OHIO — October 24, 2023 — A BiOWiSH Technologies, Inc. e o MAP (Modern Agricultural Program), o único programa de serviços agrícolas do Syngenta Group China, anunciaram a assinatura de um Acordo de Cooperação Estratégica que inicia a disponibilidade comercial do Fertilizante de Eficiência Melhorada BiOWiSH® (EEF) em toda a China. Os novos EEFs … Read more

Pillars of the Green Transition — A Newsweek Report for COP 28

Newsweek Pillars of the Green Transition COP28

A special Newsweek report “Pillars of the Green Transition” is set to release ahead of The United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 28 UAE. BiOWiSH President, Rod Vautier, and Chief Innovation Officer, Bill Diederich, were interviewed by Investment Reports to address how BiOWiSH Technologies is contributing to the Green Transition. COP 28 brings the world … Read more

BiOWiSH Technologies and Syngenta Group’s MAP Launch BiOWiSH® Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizer in China

CINCINNATI, OHIO — October 24, 2023 — BiOWiSH Technologies, Inc. and MAP (Modern Agriculture Platform), the sole agricultural service program of Syngenta Group China, announced the signing of a Strategic Cooperation Agreement initiating the commercial availability of BiOWiSH® Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizer (EEF) throughout China. The new EEFs leverage BiOWiSH® Crop Liquid, a blend of proprietary … Read more

A BiOWiSH Technologies torna-se membro da Pond Foundation

Pond Foundation

BiOWiSH® products reduce the carbon burden per ton of food produced, help condition soil for improved plant performance and may provide farmers with increased return on investment.

SABIC AN in Collaborative Venture with U.S. Companies to Support Sustainable Agriculture

panorama view of corn field at sunset

September 12, 2023 — SABIC Agri-Nutrients Company (SABIC AN) is collaborating with two US-based companies, ADM and BiOWiSH Technologies, to help farmers achieve higher production in a sustainable and cost-effective manner. Credited for the world’s first independent certifications for low-carbon ammonia and blue hydrogen production from TÜV Rheinland, SABIC AN aims to help reduce the carbon … Read more

Compreendendo os microrganismos e os bioestimulantes vegetais – O que são e qual é o seu lugar na agricultura?

Há um crescente diálogo e entusiasmo sobre os bioestimulantes microbianos devido ao seu potencial como recursos ambientalmente sustentáveis para a produção agrícola. Muitas vezes considerados como ferramentas para os produtores que procuram mitigar a escassez de fertilizantes, o aumento dos custos dos insumos e como um meio de superar o impacto de fatores limitantes do … Read more

Newsweek: A Nova Era da Alimentação e Agricultura

Image of grain harvest with text Newsweek The New Era of Food and Agriculture

Este relatório fornece uma visão sem precedentes sobre o futuro da nossa alimentação, reunindo uma constelação de vozes importantes da indústria alimentícia e agrícola, incluindo o Diretor Executivo da BiOWiSH Technologies, Graham Beesley, e o Presidente, Rod Vautier. Cerca de 100 diretores executivos internacionais, líderes de associações e líderes políticos apresentam em conjunto a sua … Read more