Pillars of the Green Transition — A Newsweek Report for COP 28

A special Newsweek report “Pillars of the Green Transition” is set to release ahead of The United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 28 UAE. BiOWiSH President, Rod Vautier, and Chief Innovation Officer, Bill Diederich, were interviewed by Investment Reports to address how BiOWiSH Technologies is contributing to the Green Transition.

COP 28 brings the world together at a critical moment for global transformative climate action. According to the report, “Key actors across the global economy must work hard to ensure that our universally accepted climate goals are seen as more than an obligation to the environment. The green transition, if it were to be successful, must and can be driven henceforth by a strong economic rationale too.”

Rod and Bill were asked the following question: What message do you have for COP 28?

We want to underscore that profitability and sustainability are not mutually exclusive; in fact, they should and must co-exist. The existing carbon programs in broad acre crop production have not been economically practical for most farming operations resulting in low farmer adoption. 

However, with our technology, farmers can indeed “have their cake and eat it too,” experiencing both optimized yield potential by improved nutrient uptake and a part in sustainable programs.

Looking ahead, we foresee the inherent carbon value that our technology brings will become a pivotal driver for product adoption. The approach will likely evolve to embody carbon value in the production phase, thereby assuring farmers enjoy enhanced yields, soil health, and income without incurring additional costs. We are optimistic about carving a future where the carbon value is seamlessly integrated into the product, transforming the industry dynamics considerably.


To download and read the full story about the global economy’s green transformation use the link below or look for Newsweek’s print edition for November 2023.

This Newsweek special report is content provided by Investment Reports.