Celebrating National Rice Month with BiOWiSH Technologies

September is National Rice Month! It’s a time to recognize the farmers, processors, and everyone involved in bringing rice to our tables. Established 34 years ago by the United States Congress, National Rice Month shines a spotlight on one of the world’s oldest and most important staple foods. With over 40,000 varieties grown across the globe, rice has a rich history, dating back more than 5,000 years ago since its domestication in Southeast Asia.

Enhancing Rice Worldwide

At BiOWiSH, we’re committed to enhancing agricultural productivity through innovative solutions. Our research focuses on the effects of the BiOWiSH® Fertilizer Enhancement on crops worldwide. As our research studies confirm, coating fertilizer with BiOWiSH® Crop Liquid to create an Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizer (EEF), has led to significant yield improvements and profitability increases for farmers across a diverse range of rice-growing regions. A meta-analysis of all 50 BiOWiSH independent third-party research trials revealed that adding BiOWiSH® to a rice fertility program results in a win, or yield advantage, 87% of the time with an average yield uplift of 9.9%.

BiOWiSH win rate chart for rice

A Glance at Our Global Rice Research 

A combination of third-party and on-farm demo trials around the globe reveal that using BiOWiSH® Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizer on rice provides an advantage over a standard fertility program common to the region where the trial took place. Below is a snapshot of our rice success.


In a study conducted near Marysville, California, BiOWiSH® EEF was used as part of an N Optimized (reduced rate) fertility program and led to a profit increase of $744/acre ($1837 USD/ha) over the Control, a standard regional fertility program.


In China, rice is one of the top two crops grown in China. Independent research in the Heshan District of Yiyan City, Hunan Province, China, showed a 10.6% yield increase using BiOWiSH® EEF compared to the Control treatment, translating to an additional profit of $289 USD/ha ($117 USD/acre).

Additionally, a study in the Shuangcheng District, Heilongjiang Province, revealed a 10.5% yield increase (1.05 MT/ha, 0.47 tons/acre) for the Nitrogen Optimized Fertility Program with BiOWiSH®, resulting in profit increase of $537 USD/ha ($217 USD/acre) over the Control treatment, despite a 20% reduction in fertilizer.


A study conducted in Vietnam, one of the world’s largest rice producers and exporters, evaluated the performance of BiOWiSH® EEF for rice as part of standard and N Optimized (reduced rate) fertility programs. All three fertility programs using BiOWiSH® outyielded the Control, even with a reduction in fertilizer rates.  The BiOWiSH® EEF treatments provided a profit increase ranging from $50-$102 USD/ha ($20-$41 USD/acre) over the Control, demonstrating that BiOWiSH® is a powerful tool that provides growers better options for managing crop production and increasing their profitability.

Further research in the Hau Giang and An Gian Provinces of Vietnam tested BiOWiSH® EEF on different soil types, as part of standard and N Optimized fertility programs. Results showed profit increases ranging from $171 USD/ha ($76 USD/acre) to $264 USD/ha ($118 USD/acre). These results demonstrate that not only can BiOWiSH® EEF increase yield potential and profitability despite a reduction in fertilizer, but that it works consistently across various soil types, as well.

Coated with Consistency Our studies demonstrate the power of fertilizer enhanced with BiOWiSH® to optimize rice yields by improved nutrient uptake, ultimately leading to greater profitability for farmers. But don’t just take our word for it. Watch the video below and hear from rice growers themselves:
Vietnam Rice Growers Share about Their BiOWiSH® Experience

As we celebrate National Rice Month, we’re proud to contribute to the ongoing innovation and sustainability of rice production worldwide!

Learn more about BiOWiSH® Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizer: https://www.biowishtechnologies.com/agriculture/

The main image is an artistic rice demo site by Syngenta MAP at their Tianjin facility, featuring many different varieties of rice.

*Win rate results based on date of publication. Data collection is ongoing and specific results are subject to change.