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BiOWiSH® Crop products are proven safe by independent laboratories, universities, and governments. The microbes in the products are all Biosafety Level 1 according to the US Center for Disease Control’s biosafety categorization system.

BiOWiSH® products are available in a variety of convenient package sizes including 100 g packages which are best for small operations and trials.

MIXING BiOWiSH® Crop Liquid PRIOR TO USE IS REQUIRED. Prior to every use, ensure the cap is tightly closed and invert the jug five times prior to use. If the full contents of the container are not used in a single application, mix the contents with sanitized equipment prior to each use. Steam clean a mixing shaft with impeller or use a 13% chlorine bleach chemical sanitization, and rinse well. Attach the sterilized mixing shaft with impeller to a mixer (drill) and insert into the container ensuring the impeller is approximately one inch (25.4 mm) above the bottom of the jug and away from the side walls. Mix contents of the jug at 1500 RPM for 6 minutes. Please repeat for each application event.

BiOWiSH® Bacillus are applied to the soil as dormant endospores, which cannot move on their own. They remain in this condition until they’re exposed to sufficient levels of nutrients, soil moisture, and needed soil temperature to germinate. However, whether they’re still dormant endospores or have germinated into vegetative cells, there are many different mechanisms by which bacteria are known to move through the soil, even under harsh conditions. When water levels are sufficient, bacterial cells may spread passively through processes such as leaching or evapotranspiration. When water is scarce, processes such paramagnetism may transport Bacillus through the charged surfaces of the soil particles. In addition, Bacillus can be shuttled in the bodies of earthworms and other soil fauna. Vegetative bacterial cells may also spread actively in response to nutrient and root exudate gradients, through biofilm formation, or transportation within fungal hyphae networks.

Soil environments may vary widely in their physical and chemical properties such as pH, water content, oxygen content, and temperature. Some of the processes described above, such as evapotranspiration and invertebrate transport, are known to occur naturally anyplace that plants are grown, and so would be in play across a wide range of field-relevant chemical gradients (such as pH, salinity, and oxygen). Laboratory data have shown that BiOWiSH® Bacillus are stable across a wide range of pH, salinity, and oxygen gradients, making them perfect candidates for transport by these universal processes.

A review of field efficacy data across a variety of geographies and fertilizer application practices can help assess whether the mechanisms cited above, among others, consistently result in the successful uptake of BiOWiSH® Bacillus through the roots of the host plant. Independent 3rd party replicated data from trials in which BiOWiSH® coated fertilizer was applied to the soil through incorporation at planting versus surface applied after planting (i.e., topdress) shows no statistically significant difference in product performance, confirming the mechanisms of bacterial dispersion most relevant to BiOWiSH customers remain consistent across application practices.

The functional diversity of the soil microbiome, or the diversity of plant growth promoting genes within the microbial population, plays a major role in driving agricultural success. The functional diversity of a grower’s soil can be impacted by shifting the soil microbiome towards plant-growth-promoting bacteria, or PGPB. Many microbial products attempt to inoculate the grower’s soil with selected PGPB, thereby augmenting the soil’s functional diversity profile. However, the selected PGPB may not be able to thrive in all soil types, growing environments, or plant hosts. Even if soil conditions are favorable, a single gram of soil may contain billions of native microbes, and competitive interactions between the resident soil microbes and the inoculated PGPB may limit their ability to colonize and deliver their modes of action within the soil. These factors can lead to inconsistent or nonexistent performance among microbial soil inoculations.

BiOWiSH HoloGene 3™ technology is not a soil inoculation approach. Our technology is based on the hologenome concept, which considers a host organism (such as a plant) and its microbiome to be a single unit, called a holobiont, which expresses traits based on its hologenome, or the combined genetic profile of host and microbiome together. When BiOWiSH® endophytes enter the roots of their host plants and deliver their load of soil nutrients, it triggers a cascade of effects. The process of root exudation , also known as rhizodeposition, drives the cyclical nature of the rhizophagy cycle while also enhancing beneficial microbial activity in the rhizosphere. The collection of beneficial microbes in the rhizosphere are sometimes likened to a “garden” tended by the plant through rhizodeposition, and many of these express natural functions that further benefit the plant and the physical soil environment. We thus refer to the HoloGene 3™ technology as a “hologenomic catalyst”.

The benefits of BiOWiSH HoloGene 3™ technology do not stop with the soil microbiome. One result of the technology’s application is optimized yield potential by improved nutrient uptake, a challenge which has traditionally been met in part through the use of Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers, or EEFs. Familiar EEF categories such as micronutrient coatings, delayed release technologies, and chemical loss mitigations help support plant nutrient uptake by providing selected nutrients (micronutrient coatings) or by minimizing the impact of loss pathways on fertilizer nutrients (delayed release and chemical mitigations). The end result is a supply of plant-available nutrients in the soil. One limitation of these approaches is that their efficacy is limited to a single mode of action, a single nutrient, or both. Additionally, these approaches do not get plant-available nutrients into the plant where they belong. BiOWiSH HoloGene 3™ technology supports plant processes involved in the uptake of multiple nutrients through multiple soil and microbiome-based modes of action, and helps reduce the impact of nutrient loss pathways by increasing nutrient use efficiency and supporting nutrient uptake. This creates a new class of EEFs that provides a comprehensive counterpart to the traditional technologies familiar in the market today.

BiOWiSH HoloGene 3™ technology is a unique fertilizer coating technology which leverages the power of the hologenome concept to support the expression of naturally evolved plant traits which improves soil conditions for increased plant vigor, supports the functional diversity of the soil microbiome, and the physicochemical environment of the soil. This triangle between plant, soil, and microbiome is present in all growing plants, but is optimized by the addition of BiOWiSH® Crop products. The result is a microbial solution which merges the benefits of a microbial soil inoculation and an enhanced efficiency fertilizer.

To ensure success, we have proven our total Aerobic Plate Count (APC) minimum threshold in Colony Forming Units (CFU) along with a sound minimum fertilizer application rate per acre/hectare for BiOWiSH® coated fertilizers. The uniformity of coating by species has variability on each granule due to aspects like granule size differences and other factors. Agronomically, think of this akin to a blended NPK that has different N, P, and K components mixed together but not agglomerated into a single compound fertilizer. The NPK blend is applied/distributed across the field such that each individual nutrient component reaches the plants sufficiently to have the intended nutrient use effect and yield impact. This is similar to fertilizers coated with BiOWiSH® Crop Liquid, where exact CFU on each fertilizer granule is not critical so long as the right distribution of granules in the field is attained.

BiOWiSH® Crop Products can be applied as fertilizer enhancements or standalone applications at any point while the crop is actively growing and soil is visible between rows or plants.  Applications can be made to bare soil (i.e. fall or pre-planting applications), at planting, or via topdressing during vegetative growth.  As long as bare soil is accessible via the application method and the crop has not concluded a vegetative (non-reproductive) stage with active root growth, the Bacillus in BiOWiSH® Crop Products can impart their beneficial mode of action. See also the FAQ: How do BiOWiSH® Bacillus find their way to the root zone?

Please visit our distributors web page (www.biowishtechnologies.com/biowish-distributors/) to locate a distributor in your area or email contact@biowishtech.com. While the overall pricing from country to country is fairly consistent, some deviation to pricing is due to country specific taxes and in-country logistics.

Organic matter (OM) change in the soil is a slow process, occurring over multiple plantings, fertility treatments, and crop rotations. BiOWiSH® Crop Products have been shown to optimize yield potential by improved nutrient uptake and optimize soil conditions for greater root mass. The combination of increased root biomass and remnant vegetative biomass remaining post-harvest will, over time, return more organic matter to the soil resulting in a slow increase in OM.

All BiOWiSH® products are sourced and manufactured in the USA and are GMP certified. All quality control tests are conducted at ISO-accredited third party laboratories in the USA.

BiOWiSH® and our distributors are dedicated to supporting our products at all levels of operation. We use large group training seminars, on-site visits, and web based tools to provide information and training on the use of our products to improve management practices to benefit overall production economics.

Please locate a distributor near you at our distributor page (www.biowishtechnologies.com/biowish-distributors/) or email contact@biowishtech.com.

Crop Products

BiOWiSH® Crop products are compatible with many common fertilizers and agricultural chemicals. For a compatibility list, refer to the technical bulletin on our web page. Always conduct a jar test for compatibility.

Some of the products such as BiOWiSH® Crop 16-40-0 contain nutrients; however, this product is not a fertilizer. Even though it contains small quantities of nutrient, they do not contribute in significant enough amounts to be considered fertilizers.

No, BiOWiSH® Crop products are made from naturally occurring and naturally evolved organisms that are not genetically modified by humans.

BiOWiSH® products are naturally based, some are OMRI approved, and others have inorganic ingredients. Please see the products section of our website for product specific information.

Urease inhibitors are coated onto urea granules to minimize early season nitrogen loss risk associated with ammonia volatilization. While BiOWiSH® Crop products are not formulated to have a direct effect on ammonia volatilization, our combination of enhancing beneficial microbes in the rhizosphere and improving soil conditions for increased plant vigor was designed to increase nutrient use efficiency by improved nutrient uptake via other modes of action. Notably, BiOWiSH® Crop Liquid can be coated together onto urea granules with a urease inhibitor, which can mitigate post application volatilization risk while providing the growing season benefits of BiOWiSH® microbes to the farmer.

Extensive field testing over several years across multiple geographies has shown no long term negative effects from using BiOWiSH® Crop products.

Depending on the source and quality of the water you may notice an ammonia odor when adding BiOWiSH® Crop 16-40-0 to water. This happens when the pH is high enough to cause ammonia volatilization from the diammonium phosphate in the BiOWiSH® Crop 16-40-0 product. There is no negative impact on the BiOWiSH® biology.

BiOWiSH® Crop products will not appreciably change soil pH. Optimal pH ranges vary by crop. BiOWiSH works across a wide range of soils, allowing use on all crop types.

BiOWiSH® microbes do not fix nitrogen directly from the atmosphere. The Bacillus species in BiOWiSH® are not selected for their expression of nitrogen fixing pathways, nor have they been genetically engineered to possess them.  However, they do provide nutrient related benefits via a separate process. BiOWiSH® endophytic Bacillus deliver soil nutrients to crops through the rhizophagy cycle creating a symbiotic relationship between the plant and soil microbes.

Rather than inoculating the grower’s soil with non-symbiotic bacteria (which offers a lower success rate of establishment), our unique product development process and mode of action enhances beneficial microbes in the rhizosphere. Our technology increases nutrient use efficiency and supports nutrient uptake, resulting in unparalleled performance. All of this, combined with our industry-leading shelf life and fertilizer compatibility, helps farmers achieve consistent results across a broad range of operating conditions, climates, and environments.

MIXING BiOWiSH® Crop Liquid PRIOR TO USE IS REQUIRED. Prior to every use, ensure the cap is tightly closed and invert the jug five times prior to use. If the full contents of the container are not used in a single application, mix the contents with sanitized equipment prior to each use. Steam clean a mixing shaft with impeller or use a 13% chlorine bleach chemical sanitization, and rinse well. Attach the sterilized mixing shaft with impeller to a mixer (drill) and insert into the container ensuring the impeller is approximately one inch (25.4 mm) above the bottom of the jug and away from the side walls. Mix contents of the jug at 1500 RPM for 6 minutes. Please repeat for each application event.

No, the addition of BiOWiSH® Crop Liquid at the BiOWiSH recommended application rate does not change any of the physical or chemical properties of the fertilizer.

BiOWiSH HoloGene 3 technology supports the expression of natural plant processes evolved to stimulate native, beneficial soil microbes in the root zone. Plants are not prone to stimulate rhizosphere microbial communities that result in negative outcomes for the plant, including disease.

BiOWiSH® Crop Liquid is not designed or formulated for controlling agronomic pests and disease.  Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers powered by BiOWiSH® Crop Liquid create a high-performance partnership between the roots of the host plant and BiOWiSH® microorganisms that enhance beneficial microbes in the rhizosphere. The new alliance has a combined genetic profile (the hologenome) that enhances native microbial activity in the soil, promotes soil quality, and supports the plant’s natural ability to resist environmental stress. This optimizes crop yield potential by increasing nutrient availability and improving soil productivity and plant vigor.

Mycorrhizal fungi and many other biologicals are intended to promote plant growth through inoculation of the grower’s native soil microbiome with the formulated organisms. Recent scientific research has revealed stability problems with commercial formulations of mycorrhizae, compromising their efficacy relative to laboratory inoculations. BiOWiSH® Crop products are a proprietary mix of highly specific bacteria, chosen for their ability to create a high-performance partnership between the plant roots and microorganisms that enhance beneficial microbes in the rhizosphere, help condition soil for improved plant performance, and optimize conditions for tolerance of abiotic stress. In addition to our innovative mode of action, the ability of our products to remain stable throughout the supply chain and work across a broad range of climates, environments, and management practice drives consistent performance that is unmatched in the industry. Link: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/354796387_Global_evaluation_of_commercial_arbuscular_mycorrhizal_inoculants_under_greenhouse_and_field_conditions

Phosphorous availability is dependent on soil physical properties (organic matter, clay content, moisture, aeration, etc.) and chemical properties (pH, texture, etc.). The total soil phosphorous exists in two forms: organic and inorganic. Organic phosphorus is the product of the decomposition of plants, animals, and microbes; while it is not available to the plants, it will be digested by soil microbes converting a portion of the phosphorus to plant available in the form of orthophosphate. The inorganic phosphorous can be in two forms, one in soil solution, which is available to the plant and often represents a small proportion of the soil phosphorous. In addition, we can find the inorganic phosphorous as insoluble or bound phosphorus (Pi), such as calcium phosphate in alkaline soils and aluminum and iron phosphates in acidic soils. The chemical conversion of Pi or bound P to soluble, plant-available P in the soil is generally considered pH dependent, driven by the production of low molecular weight organic acids by plants and beneficial soil microbes. Depending on the soil pH, orthophosphate ions (H2PO4–, HPO42-) are the forms of phosphorus most accessible to plants. In acidic soils with high levels of metal ions like Al3+ and Fe3+, phosphate is bound-up in the form of the corresponding insoluble metal phosphates, e.g., AlPO4 and FePO4. In these situations, displacement of inorganic phosphate (Pi) from Fe and Al ions occurs through “ligand exchange”, meaning the organic acids compete with Pi for Al and Fe binding sites, driving the release of plant-available phosphorous into the soil. The BiOWiSH® Crop products support this system in two ways.

First, BiOWiSH® Bacillus beneficial microbes associate with the roots of their host plant, augmenting the plant’s hologenome and supporting the expression of natural plant processes. Through these processes, the plant recruits beneficial soil native microbes from the root’s surrounding soil, including those which drive the release of plant-available phosphate from the soil. Second, BiOWiSH® Crop products optimize soil conditions for greater root mass and stimulates the release of root exudates, which include organic acids that help shift the equilibrium of bound phosphate towards more soluble phosphate.

Therefore, the addition of BiOWiSH® Crop products improves phosphorus mobilization and availability by promoting the growth of soil microbes capable of chemically reducing metal phosphates, enhancing the uptake of the released phosphate by plants and shifting the equilibrium between bound and soluble phosphate toward more soluble phosphate where the optimized soil conditions have contributed to greater root mass, allowing for additional nutrients to be captured.

BiOWiSH® Bacillus are applied to the soil as dormant endospores, which cannot move on their own. They remain in this condition until they’re exposed to sufficient levels of nutrients, soil moisture, and needed soil temperature to germinate. However, whether they’re still dormant endospores or have germinated into vegetative cells, there are many different mechanisms by which bacteria are known to move through the soil, even under harsh conditions. When water levels are sufficient, bacterial cells may spread passively through processes such as leaching or evapotranspiration. When water is scarce, processes such paramagnetism may transport Bacillus through the charged surfaces of the soil particles. In addition, Bacillus can be shuttled in the bodies of earthworms and other soil fauna. Vegetative bacterial cells may also spread actively in response to nutrient and root exudate gradients, through biofilm formation, or transportation within fungal hyphae networks.

Soil environments may vary widely in their physical and chemical properties such as pH, water content, oxygen content, and temperature. Some of the processes described above, such as evapotranspiration and invertebrate transport, are known to occur naturally anyplace that plants are grown, and so would be in play across a wide range of field-relevant chemical gradients (such as pH, salinity, and oxygen). Laboratory data have shown that BiOWiSH® Bacillus are stable across a wide range of pH, salinity, and oxygen gradients, making them perfect candidates for transport by these universal processes.

A review of field efficacy data across a variety of geographies and fertilizer application practices can help assess whether the mechanisms cited above, among others, consistently result in the successful uptake of BiOWiSH® Bacillus through the roots of the host plant. Independent 3rd party replicated data from trials in which BiOWiSH® coated fertilizer was applied to the soil through incorporation at planting versus surface applied after planting (i.e., topdress) shows no statistically significant difference in product performance, confirming the mechanisms of bacterial dispersion most relevant to BiOWiSH customers remain consistent across application practices.

The functional diversity of the soil microbiome, or the diversity of plant growth promoting genes within the microbial population, plays a major role in driving agricultural success. The functional diversity of a grower’s soil can be impacted by shifting the soil microbiome towards plant-growth-promoting bacteria, or PGPB. Many microbial products attempt to inoculate the grower’s soil with selected PGPB, thereby augmenting the soil’s functional diversity profile. However, the selected PGPB may not be able to thrive in all soil types, growing environments, or plant hosts. Even if soil conditions are favorable, a single gram of soil may contain billions of native microbes, and competitive interactions between the resident soil microbes and the inoculated PGPB may limit their ability to colonize and deliver their modes of action within the soil. These factors can lead to inconsistent or nonexistent performance among microbial soil inoculations.

BiOWiSH HoloGene 3™ technology is not a soil inoculation approach. Our technology is based on the hologenome concept, which considers a host organism (such as a plant) and its microbiome to be a single unit, called a holobiont, which expresses traits based on its hologenome, or the combined genetic profile of host and microbiome together. When BiOWiSH® endophytes enter the roots of their host plants and deliver their load of soil nutrients, it triggers a cascade of effects. The process of root exudation , also known as rhizodeposition, drives the cyclical nature of the rhizophagy cycle while also enhancing beneficial microbial activity in the rhizosphere. The collection of beneficial microbes in the rhizosphere are sometimes likened to a “garden” tended by the plant through rhizodeposition, and many of these express natural functions that further benefit the plant and the physical soil environment. We thus refer to the HoloGene 3™ technology as a “hologenomic catalyst”.

The benefits of BiOWiSH HoloGene 3™ technology do not stop with the soil microbiome. One result of the technology’s application is optimized yield potential by improved nutrient uptake, a challenge which has traditionally been met in part through the use of Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers, or EEFs. Familiar EEF categories such as micronutrient coatings, delayed release technologies, and chemical loss mitigations help support plant nutrient uptake by providing selected nutrients (micronutrient coatings) or by minimizing the impact of loss pathways on fertilizer nutrients (delayed release and chemical mitigations). The end result is a supply of plant-available nutrients in the soil. One limitation of these approaches is that their efficacy is limited to a single mode of action, a single nutrient, or both. Additionally, these approaches do not get plant-available nutrients into the plant where they belong. BiOWiSH HoloGene 3™ technology supports plant processes involved in the uptake of multiple nutrients through multiple soil and microbiome-based modes of action, and helps reduce the impact of nutrient loss pathways by increasing nutrient use efficiency and supporting nutrient uptake. This creates a new class of EEFs that provides a comprehensive counterpart to the traditional technologies familiar in the market today.

BiOWiSH HoloGene 3™ technology is a unique fertilizer coating technology which leverages the power of the hologenome concept to support the expression of naturally evolved plant traits which improves soil conditions for increased plant vigor, supports the functional diversity of the soil microbiome, and the physicochemical environment of the soil. This triangle between plant, soil, and microbiome is present in all growing plants, but is optimized by the addition of BiOWiSH® Crop products. The result is a microbial solution which merges the benefits of a microbial soil inoculation and an enhanced efficiency fertilizer.

To ensure success, we have proven our total Aerobic Plate Count (APC) minimum threshold in Colony Forming Units (CFU) along with a sound minimum fertilizer application rate per acre/hectare for BiOWiSH® coated fertilizers. The uniformity of coating by species has variability on each granule due to aspects like granule size differences and other factors. Agronomically, think of this akin to a blended NPK that has different N, P, and K components mixed together but not agglomerated into a single compound fertilizer. The NPK blend is applied/distributed across the field such that each individual nutrient component reaches the plants sufficiently to have the intended nutrient use effect and yield impact. This is similar to fertilizers coated with BiOWiSH® Crop Liquid, where exact CFU on each fertilizer granule is not critical so long as the right distribution of granules in the field is attained.

BiOWiSH® Crop Products can be applied as fertilizer enhancements or standalone applications at any point while the crop is actively growing and soil is visible between rows or plants.  Applications can be made to bare soil (i.e. fall or pre-planting applications), at planting, or via topdressing during vegetative growth.  As long as bare soil is accessible via the application method and the crop has not concluded a vegetative (non-reproductive) stage with active root growth, the Bacillus in BiOWiSH® Crop Products can impart their beneficial mode of action. See also the FAQ: How do BiOWiSH® Bacillus find their way to the root zone?

Even absent of the BiOWiSH® fertilizer enhancement, excess application of fertilizers will contribute to imbalances in the system that may limit the efficacy of any agronomic input. This type of excessive fertilization can cause many imbalances in the soil, any of which may affect potential yield. This situation would be expected to reduce the efficiency response of BiOWiSH® agronomy products, as well as negatively affect native beneficial soil microorganisms.

BiOWiSH® Crop Liquid was not originally designed or formulated to address soil carbon levels. Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers powered by BiOWiSH® Crop Liquid create a high-performance partnership between the plant and beneficial BiOWiSH® microorganisms through their association with the roots of the host plant. The new alliance has a combined genetic profile (the hologenome) that enhances beneficial microbes in the rhizosphere, helps condition soil for improved plant performance and optimizes conditions for tolerance of abiotic stress. This optimizes crop yield potential by increasing nutrient availability and improving soil productivity and plant vigor. Testing any hypothesis related to soil carbon levels is a work intensive, long-term undertaking requiring many studies across multiple crop types and management practices. This is an active area of research at BiOWiSH.

BiOWiSH® Crop products contain a proprietary blend of beneficial microbes. Our unique bacterial strains are fermented in our multi-phase proprietary manufacturing process. This process involves three steps (strain selection, controlled fermentation conditions, and post-fermentation interventions) that together create stable, consistent biology. When applied in the field, these organisms create a high-performance partnership between the the roots of the host plant and BiOWiSH® microorganisms. The new alliance has a combined genetic profile (the hologenome) that enhances beneficial microbes in the rhizosphere, helps condition soil for improved plant performance and optimizes conditions for tolerance of abiotic stress. This optimizes crop yield potential by increasing nutrient availability and improves soil conditions for increased plant vigor.

Featuring the company’s proprietary HoloGene 3™ technology, BiOWiSH® Crop products create a high-performance partnership between the roots of the host plant and BiOWiSH® microorganisms. The new alliance has a combined genetic profile (the hologenome) that enhances beneficial microbes in the rhizosphere, helps condition soil for improved plant performance and optimizes conditions for tolerance of abiotic stress.

BiOWiSH® Crop products offer many benefits. They help condition the soil for improved plant performance and plant vigor, they optimize soil conditions for greater root mass, and they increase nutrient use efficiency and support nutrient uptake. Farmers may also benefit from decreased fertilization and irrigation needs and may also see financial benefits through the optimized yield potential by improved nutrient uptake.

BiOWiSH® Crop Liquid is a liquid product, sold in 55 gallon (190 L) containers and 264 gallon (1000 L) totes. BiOWiSH® Crop, Crop 3-4-0, and Crop 16-40-0 are soluble powder products sold in 100 g, 1 kg, 5 kg and 10 kg foil bags.

BiOWiSH® Crop and BiOWiSH® Crop 16-40-0 are solid soluble products used interchangeability for liquid applications in the field. The difference between the products is their carrier materials; the biology is the same for both products. Because the biology is the same for both products, the performance is also similar. The primary reason for having two solid soluble products is to accommodate geography or market specific parameters, including organic certification for BiOWiSH® Crop.

Example liquid applications are drip irrigation, pivots, tractors or ground rigs, backpack sprayers, and more.

There should be no effect of high water levels on BiOWiSH® Crop products. BiOWiSH® organisms are strongly root associated. As long as the root is healthy and intact, BiOWiSH® will perform even under excessively high water levels.

Humic acid containing products increase water infiltration and water-holding capacity of soil. Also, it is generally understood that humic substances are resistant to microbial degradation, may facilitate the transport of microorganisms, and stimulate the plant’s natural rhizodeposition process, which supports populations of native beneficial microbes in the root zone. Unlike traditional biological soil inoculation products, BiOWiSH® Crop products work by creating a high-performance partnership between the plant and BiOWiSH® microorganisms. The new alliance of plant host and BiOWiSH® Bacillus enhances native microbial activity in the soil through stimulation of the plant’s natural rhizodeposition process. As illustrated in the pictures below, when combined with Humic Acid, a synergistic effect with BiOWiSH® Crop products provides an additional benefit in plant growth and crop yield. Please also see our web page for relevant research studies which further support this synergy.


BiOWiSH® Crop products are effective across a broad range of management practices and growing conditions across the globe. These management practices vary in soil temperature at the time of planting and application of BiOWiSH® products. It’s important to note that BiOWiSH® Bacillus are applied to the soil as dormant endospores. In addition to other factors, endospores require concentrated, high-energy nutrients (such as root exudates) and temperatures in a range of 10°C to 15°C to initiate germination. After germination, BiOWiSH® organisms are strongly associated with the roots of their host plant. Because of this association, beneficial microbes are enhanced in the rhizosphere.

BiOWiSH® Bacillus are applied to the soil as dormant endospores, which are highly resistant to physical and chemical stressors. Once germinated in the root zone, BiOWiSH® Bacillus are strongly associated with the roots of their host plant and often exist as endophytes within the cells of their host plants. Chemical stressors that do not result in adverse effects to the host plant would not be expected to have a negative impact on BiOWiSH® Bacillus.

The Bacillus endospores in BiOWiSH®  Crop Liquid settle within a stationary tote over time due to the effects of gravity, leading to a higher concentration of beneficial biology at the bottom of the tote versus the top.  This leads to variation in the application rate of our biology throughout the coating run, potentially causing fertilizer coated with lower-concentration liquid to fall short of our proven efficacy threshold.  Our easy-to-use mixing options maintain a homogenous mixture, and can be taken out from an exhausted tote, rinsed, and reused for additional totes.

BiOWiSH® Crop products are biological, not chemical formulas.  Therefore, when used as directed they will not result in crop burn. Please refer to the product label and user guides for recommended dosage instructions.


Yes, BiOWiSH® Crop products are soluble in water and liquid fertilizers.

Recommended BiOWiSH® Crop dosages are designed for optimal production for most farm management and fertility programs. High dosage levels will not harm individual crops, but may lead to less than optimal performance. We recommend that label instructions be followed for all applications.

Yes, BiOWiSH® products can be added in a variety of ways, either broadcast, integrated or sprayed onto the soil depending on your needs. Please see the product pages, user guides, and technical bulletins for more information.

Yes, BiOWiSH® Crop products may be applied to any crop. Application rates will differ depending on crop type and soil conditions. For specific application recommendations, please contact your BiOWiSH representative.

BiOWiSH® Crop products may be added in drip irrigation or applied separately. If added to the irrigation system, make sure all solutions of BiOWiSH® Crop are applied within 96 hours (4 days) of dissolving BiOWiSH® Crop into the delivery tank.

Yes, BiOWiSH® products can be added to any part of the plant, including flowers, leaves, stems, seeds and roots. Please see the product pages or talk to a BiOWiSH representative to ensure you are considering best agronomic practices for foliar versus soil applied for specific crops at specific growth stages.

Yes, BiOWiSH® Crop is recommended for hydroponic systems for all crop classes. Adding BiOWiSH® Crop to the fertilizer batch tank makes this an easy and profitable application.

MIXING BiOWiSH® Crop Liquid PRIOR TO USE IS REQUIRED. Prior to every use, ensure the cap is tightly closed and invert the jug five times prior to use. If the full contents of the container are not used in a single application, mix the contents with sanitized equipment prior to each use. Steam clean a mixing shaft with impeller or use a 13% chlorine bleach chemical sanitization, and rinse well. Attach the sterilized mixing shaft with impeller to a mixer (drill) and insert into the container ensuring the impeller is approximately one inch (25.4 mm) above the bottom of the jug and away from the side walls. Mix contents of the jug at 1500 RPM for 6 minutes. Please repeat for each application event.

BiOWiSH® Crop Products can be applied as fertilizer enhancements or standalone applications at any point while the crop is actively growing and soil is visible between rows or plants.  Applications can be made to bare soil (i.e. fall or pre-planting applications), at planting, or via topdressing during vegetative growth.  As long as bare soil is accessible via the application method and the crop has not concluded a vegetative (non-reproductive) stage with active root growth, the Bacillus in BiOWiSH® Crop Products can impart their beneficial mode of action. See also the FAQ: How do BiOWiSH® Bacillus find their way to the root zone?

Once applied, BiOWiSH® microbes make their way to the root zone (see FAQ) and associate with the roots of their host plant, creating a high-performance partnership between the plant and the beneficial BiOWiSH® microbes in the rhizosphere. Because they are strongly associated with the roots of their host-plant associated, BiOWiSH® microbes do not wash off with normal rainfall or irrigation.

Agitation is not required for activation.

BiOWiSH® Crop products may be added at the same time as fertilizers or separately. Most often, they are added at or near the time of fertilizer applications. Please contact a BiOWiSH representative for your site-specific application instructions.

BiOWiSH® Crop products can be applied with your normal fertilization routine. No special application is required. For a compatibility list, refer to the technical bulletin on our web page. Always conduct a jar test for compatibility.

BiOWiSH® Crop products are compatible with a variety of common application practices and can be applied in the manner that best fits with your current practices. BiOWiSH® Crop Liquid is coated onto solid fertilizers or mixed with liquid fertilizers at your fertilizer supplier’s facility. BiOWiSH® Crop and BiOWiSH® Crop 16-40-0 are solid soluble products, sold in BiOWiSH packaging, that are applied by on-farm liquid delivery processes. All BiOWiSH® products are compatible with fertigation and foliar application practices. Please see our product pages, user guides, and technical bulletins for more information.

BiOWiSH® Crop products may be applied at any time of the day or night in keeping with the grower’s best management practices.

The Bacillus in BiOWiSH® agronomy products exist in endospore form and are stable for up to 2 years when stored as directed. These endospores are dormant until conditions are right for germination, or “waking up.” Optimum conditions for germination include adequate moisture levels and the presence of nutrient germinants, such as sugars and amino acids. These germinants can be found in abundance in the plant’s root zone in the form of root exudates. Once BiOWiSH® Bacillus are applied to the soil and migrate to the root zone (see FAQ), where they germinate and associate with the roots of their host plant. Because of this strong host association, BiOWiSH® microbes are not expected to persist in the soil after the plant is harvested and its tissues are removed from the soil environment. The role of BiOWiSH® bacteria is to stimulate the plant-soil-microbiome triangle, which includes support of natural plant processes for cultivating native, beneficial microbes in the root zone. These native beneficial microbes would be expected to be present throughout the crop cycle and beyond.

The Bacillus endospores in BiOWiSH®  Crop Liquid settle within a stationary tote over time due to the effects of gravity, leading to a higher concentration of beneficial biology at the bottom of the tote versus the top.  This leads to variation in the application rate of our biology throughout the coating run, potentially causing fertilizer coated with lower-concentration liquid to fall short of our proven efficacy threshold.  Our easy-to-use mixing options maintain a homogenous mixture, and can be taken out from an exhausted tote, rinsed, and reused for additional totes.

Stability and Storage

After agitation per label instructions, BiOWiSH® Crop products can be immediately added to the soil or plants.

Cover and store BiOWiSH® Crop products in cool, dry location out of direct sunlight. Once opened, keep in an airtight container to maintain the integrity of the product. Prevent spillage and separate from strong oxidizers.

To ensure success, we have proven our total Aerobic Plate Count (APC) minimum threshold in Colony Forming Units (CFU) along with a sound minimum fertilizer application rate per acre/hectare for BiOWiSH® coated fertilizers. The uniformity of coating by species has variability on each granule due to aspects like granule size differences and other factors. Agronomically, think of this akin to a blended NPK that has different N, P, and K components mixed together but not agglomerated into a single compound fertilizer. The NPK blend is applied/distributed across the field such that each individual nutrient component reaches the plants sufficiently to have the intended nutrient use effect and yield impact. This is similar to fertilizers coated with BiOWiSH® Crop Liquid, where exact CFU on each fertilizer granule is not critical so long as the right distribution of granules in the field is attained.

First, make sure the lid is securely closed after use to maintain a long shelf life. BiOWiSH® Crop Liquid has a 2-year shelf life when stored as directed.

Storage directions: Cover and store in a cool, dry location out of direct sunlight. Once opened, keep in an airtight container to maintain the integrity of the product. Prevent spillage and separate from strong oxidizers.

We ask that you keep in an airtight container to prevent the risk of contamination. While our formulation accounts for reasonable levels of contaminants, no biological or chemical products are immune to contamination when the products are not stored in airtight containers. BiOWiSH provides a second line of defense to contamination with a mechanical approach. This approach limits the number of times the container is opened, helping products reach their full shelf life. Please contact your local BiOWiSH representative to learn more.

BiOWiSH® Crop products have a two-year shelf life when stored as directed. Once opened, keep in an air-tight container to maintain the integrity of the product. Once in solution, dose within 96 hours. Please see our Compatibility Technical Bulletin list tank mix product information (www.biowishtechnologies.com/resources/). A jar test is recommended to test for physical compatibility. Always read and follow label directions of tank mix products.

Once mixed in solution BiOWiSH® Crop products should be used within 96 hours (4 days). If you are adding BiOWiSH® with other products, a jar test should be done to test for compatibility

For storage information, please follow the printed instructions on the BiOWiSH® package. For all products , we recommend that you store the product in a cool, dry location out of direct sunlight.

Because BiOWiSH® organisms are strongly root associated, they are expected to remain viable and active in the rhizosphere throughout the life of the plant. It should be noted that BiOWiSH® Crop products are not intended to populate the bulk soil with BiOWiSH® Bacillus; rather, they partner with their host plant’s rhizosphere to augment the hologenome of the plant-microbe partnership.