Climate-Smart Solutions with BiOWiSH® Enhanced Fertilizer

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The vision of BiOWiSH Technologies has long been focused on making agriculture more efficient and sustainable. After more than a decade of in-depth research on microorganisms, as well as gaining a thorough understanding of field agriculture and the fertilizer industry, the BiOWiSH team developed an innovative program with our unique technology as a fertilizer enhancement … Read more

5 Ways Bio-Enhanced Fertilizer Powered by BiOWiSH® is Helping Improve Agricultural Sustainability

young soybean plants growing in soil blue sky sunset

The BiOWiSH Technologies vision has long been focused on helping improve agricultural sustainability. Through extensive R&D, the BiOWiSH team discovered how to leverage our HoloGene 3™ technology as a fertilizer enhancement which increases nutrient use efficiency and supports nutrient uptake. We are continuing to invest in ways to help our partners with ongoing university studies … Read more

BiOWiSH Focus on Global Sustainability

BiOWiSH Sustainability - arial view of trees with three arrows forming a circle

A Message from Our President, Rod Vautier: The Impact of the BiOWiSH® Fertilizer Enhancement on Agricultural and Global Sustainability  In respect to the environment and climate-change initiatives, the agriculture and fertilizer industries are under significant pressure to reduce volatilization, greenhouse gas emissions, leaching and eutrophication. Hence, BiOWiSH Technologies is dedicated to collaborating with leading fertilizer companies worldwide, … Read more